
Competitive Solar Financing Made Simple
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what we do

Multiple Financing Offers For Commercial and Residential Solar

Rate Project

We evaluate project factors to automatically match your project with the best financing options from our banks.

Gather info

We simplify the credit application process for your customer, ensuring the right documents get to the right people.

Fund project

Once all docs are signed, bank funds can be released as progress payments or a lump sum at interconnection.

Funding Types

two simple options

Solar Capital Leases

In a Solar Capital Lease, the host customer owns the solar energy system from the start.  This means the host receives all tax credits and incentives, and the bank receives lease payments.

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Solar Operating Leases

In a Solar Operating Lease, the bank owns the solar equipment and receives all tax credits/benefits in addition to lease payments from the customer.  These typically have a buyout clause at year 5 or 7.

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Project Types

Our sweet spots

Commercial:  Small, Medium, & Large

From small to large, self storage to auto shops, factories to ag sites, SolRates offers competitive financing options on a wide variety of commercial projects.  With 59 financing products from our banking partners, we offer attractive financing on projects from $20K to $10M.

Non-Profit & Government Projects

From churches to public school districts, SolRates has a selection of attractive financing options tuned to suit the needs of your customers.